The Wildroot Parables is a home for nature-based Christians as well as Christianity-adjacent nature folk! It all began as a growing community on Instagram, full of diverse folks who gather in a beautiful Venn diagram of faith, love for the natural world, and an interest in mysticism and poetry. While the author is a Celtic Christian (read more here) and you will find that Christian thought is the foundation for this community, all are welcome of any faith. The only thing required of you to join in is a heart full of grace and curiosity, not afraid to engage with deep topics and open to mystery!
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Mondays: one weekly poetry-based devotional
Thursdays: one parable about being a creative in service to the Creator
The Wildroot Parables is a reader-supported FREE publication and community! If you want to support us, here are the best ways to do so…
Paid Subscriptions: your $2.50/month paid subscriptions help “keep the lights on” here and will be repaid with occasional perks, just fun extras to say thank you (as well as discounts to projects I create in the future)!
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Likes, Comments, Shares: As always, your engagement in this busy world is the real lifeblood of this newsletter, so even if you can’t contribute monetarily I always appreciate your likes, comments, and shares! This community is the best, and I am always encouraged by your insights and generosity with me and with each other!
Thank you for your interest in The Wildroot Parables! We hope these words uplift, bless, inspire, and lead you to a deeper understanding of both Creator and Creation.
S.E. Reid is a freelance writer, editor, and poet living on a patch of wooded wetland in the Pacific Northwest with her craftsman husband and her two big goofball dogs, Finn and Huck. You can find out more about her and her work here.