May 30, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

I love your poetry...the mystical feel, the awe, the delight, the simplicity and elegance and the invitational quality that is inclusive of wherever one finds themselves on the journey. Radiant! And thank you for the shout out! I don't try to be provocative on purpose - it just comes naturally. Yesterday it felt like the liminal space between storm and sun and I told my husband, "I think we'll get a little rain...if we don't get at least a few drops, I'll be surprised. Hopefully we'll get enough to water the plants but miss the storm entirely." And sure enough, we did. We got a wonderful full-on, yet gentle sprinkle and a whole chain of storms passed us by. That, to me, is the delight of God.

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May 30, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

Also I pray the rain...having discovered the wonderful work of Masaru Emoto on how water has memory, every time it rains and I recall do to it, I imagine the pristine love of God filling every rain drop and seeping into the earth and all that is.

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May 31, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

Becoming aware of God’s personal love for me is what has kept me alive.

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“The love of God is anything but abstract” - THIS! Yes. Sometimes I need this reminder, because it’s easy to miss those magical moments of delight and not realize they are God’s love. But, oh how they are!

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