Such a great question, S.E.! When I read your post Monday I thought--wow...this is speaking to me. In this season I have just finished a *literal* harvesting of my stem cells for my brother who is battling leukemia. That harvest represents the last ten years of rebuilding a relationship with him (that was strained for about a decade). We are closer than we ever have been and have been sharing with each other how God is moving through his illness and recovery, growing us even more.

Months ago I planted the seed of self-care by stepping back from social media, writing more, reading more, and getting regular massages (the kind that hurt like heck but heal your body!). Little did I realize that these seeds would produce the type of self-care I needed as I have faced the challenges of my brother's medical relapse as well as getting my son into rehab for a drug addiction.

Also, 20+ years ago my two best friends and I planted the seed of long lasting friendship--we committed to monthly dinners where we have helped each other through every season of parenting. I have needed those godly women in my life this year more than ever! So thankful.

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I started a response too close to midnight to deal with a complex topic that will require careful editing in order to shorten it to fit this space.

If the hail storm that is threatening my Harvest doesn't continue in the morning, I will finish it then.

A shout out to our discussion leader and to Holly for thoughtful and well written posts

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