Thanks for the challenge. It is good to remember we are not at the same place on the journey. Grace is the antidote to keep us from jumping to conclusions about others viewpoint, it is the way we build time to hear others stories.

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Jun 24, 2023Liked by S.E. Reid

Not directly related to the devotional, but to its post: I have been lurking, off and on, but at some point accumulated too many subscriptions and need a more organized way to compile my reading. (Seriously, Substack? You make an app for longform writing but then give it an inbox and feeds?) That, and the desire to read on something bigger than a phone screen, in turn leads me to tinkering with technology: I'm mathematically inclined by nature and definitely a maker. But that itself is a timesuck, so, I am behind right now.

That said, I popped back in to thank you for inspiration! My daughter – just starting grade school – has recently grown a love of gardening and reading your blog made me think I could take that as an opportunity to teach her about creation and our Faith. A local friend recently recommended "A Year with the Church Fathers: Patristic Wisdom for Daily Living" (selected readings edited by Mike Aquilina), and I've started in on that and the first week or so has a lot of stuff about what creation teaches us. (These roots go deep!) So, I decided to grab the book when she asked me to come garden with her today, and read a little for her after we planted radishes and corn, and it led to some good conversations about providence and Jesus's incarnation and how God loves us even when we miss the mark and wants to help us be reunited. Now I should see if I can make time for this on a regular basis (beats tinkering).

(And hmm, maybe there's a tie into the devotional in there after all!)

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