Jun 8, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

In Genesis the Holy Spirit is represented by a wind moving over the waters. We see this symbolism repeated numerous times in scripture--Jesus sighs on a number of occasions; in Exodus it was "a great wind" that parted the Red Sea.

I often think of this on windy days, and on odd occasions I will think that it must be the Holy Spirit. It is a Catholic tradition in some parts to visit 7 Churches on Holy Thursday--the Thursday before Easter. My parish put on an event where we would all drive around to the different churches and gather and pray at each one, before rushing off to the next. The one time I did this it was early evening and it was extremely windy--given the occasion I supposed that must be the Holy Spirit stirring in anticipation of the Holy days to follow.

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

For me it's often a prompting to - step outside, go left instead of right..and then wondrous things occur. Perhaps I am just in time to say hello to a neighbor. Or yesterday instead of going in to coffee, I told hubby I'd meet up with him and was led to walk the opposite direction. I saw a dog and a woman coming toward me and felt to go around the planted city tree instead of meet them directly, yet I had the sense that this dog and I would interact...as I watched him leaning toward me...he wanted to say hello. I said, 'He's welcome to say hello if he'd like!" It turned out he was a foster recovering from trauma and shy around strangers yet such a sweetheart, so the leading to be a bit circumsspect but also open was exactly on! Then as I described my daughter who loves animals, she shared, "Well I don't know what you believe...and then this led to her sharing she is writing a book about children who remember their past lives! I was able to share about Dolores Cannon who has done work developing a system of past life and future life recall, that I thought might be helpful to her!

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I often am reminded of the movement of the Holy Spirit in Nature. But, I also tend to come across certain numbers when I need the reminder. I’m not one to put a lot of emphasis on numbers & meanings, but, certain ones tend to be in the strangest of places at exactly the right moment. As if the Spirit is showing me “I’m here, it will all work out, just trust my guidance”

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