
I feel God's pleasure when I write, for sure, but I also feel it when I lose myself in something. We can be so unfocused (I know I can), kind of drifting through a day. But when I lose myself in garden tasks, or a walk in the woods around our house, or even doing the dishes...it's like I can tap into a depth of sensation and experience that I usually can't when I'm "drifting". And I find that God speaks to me there, in the little things. Not sure if that's a common experience, but it's definitely something I love. <3

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

I definitely feel it in your writing!

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Thank you, Lily! <3

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

True thing! You're welcome :) :) Hope you have a wonder-filled night of peace

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When I use my gifts at work, I feel this. Working in the financial industry, there’s not a lot of heart - and the little there is often is sales pitchy. But one of my jobs is communication with our firm’s clients. Helping make the process of opening an account or getting started with Medicare efficient but also PLEASURABLE. It’s clear clients & prospects deeply appreciate this and I feel God’s pleasure every time I take a few extra minutes with someone or take the time to write clear and helpful instructions.

Sometimes I feel like this job in this industry can’t be doing much good, because Medicare & retirement plans don’t matter in Eternity. Thank you for this reminder that EVERYTHING we do matters for eternity, no matter what the actual activity is.

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I love this, Megan! It's so tempting to see our work as somehow "outside" of the experience of God, but being able to find Him in the mundane (and what is dealing with Medicare if not *aggressively* mundane?) is such a surprising treasure. Thanks for sharing!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

People link their financial security with their "okayness" and even if this isn't exactly a faith based lifestyle, your presence can offer the feeling, the knowing of Eternity that is beyond the $. They may think they are getting financial advice, they are tasting heaven through you. What a gift to feel safe with someone who KNOWS they are safe!

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❤️ thank you for this!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

Aw <3 You're welcome!

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Hi Megan! “*Everything* we do matters for eternity.” Our own and the eternity of others, unmet and unknown. When your clients and prospects feel “appreciation” towards you and/or “appreciated,” that can send them on a better course for the day or even reverse what had started out with a negative experience and , making it more likely that they will then “pay it forward” in their next interpersonal interaction. A Win-Win interaction, rippling out to others, unmet and unknown.

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Thank you, Pete! A Win-Win, rippling out indeed. Thank you for your beautiful words & reminder!

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This is my first venture into this discussion forum, so thank you for the positive feedback. I didn’t intend to enter into any discussions, until I had a “feel” for what is customary/appropriate/appreciated, but as a retired teacher/addiction counselor, the topic is a natural for me.

More on this later as I need to reflect on my own “gateways,” but I started with the bike ride I was halfway through (to my daughter’s home), when I read S. E.’s Post and thought of many things.

Music as one of the “languages” of God. Mother Nature” that I experience far more deeply on my bike than in a car. Along the way, I met a pedestrian and had the opportunity to (hopefully) brighten his day with my customary greeting, “It’s a beautiful day in Paradise!” and he responded “Yes, it is!” Today, after a rainy, windy spell in South Dakota, is a sunny, calm day, nature shining extra bright, but I say that even on rainy windy days, as those are part of the natural rhythms of life.

But one of my more intense feelings of pleasure comes from seeing other people find their version of a “happy life.” As my AA sponsor (mentor) put it, “When you see someone “get it,” it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.” Win-Win rippling out.

Right now, my next feeling of pleasure is going to come from surrounding my customary lunch, *Pete’s Maxtreme Beans and Broccoli*, followed by my mandatory “Rest and Digest” nap, waking up partially “re-created” and ready to have a useful afternoon and evening.

Thanks, again, Megan. I hope you are spending a beautiful day in your Personal Paradise, and brightening those of your clients/prospects.


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Pete, this made me smile so big!! I'm so glad you're here with us! You're welcome anytime. :D

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This is beautiful. And, would agree with you about music & Mother Nature being the languages of God! I wish you the same in your paradise today, Pete!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

Love it!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

When I dance outside in nature, I am sure God made people so that God could feel alive through us in this way. We are the hands and feet and fleshy hearts of God not only to help with regular human needs, but also to radiate God's joy throughout Creation and to allow God to FEEL this through us. We are danced by God, breathed by God, held in place and moved and utterly transformed by God, all at once. And when I dance I feel both my singularity and my oneness and interconnectedness with Life and God.

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YES!! I believe wholeheartedly that God loves it so much when we dance with Him! There's actually a beautiful book about connecting with God through ritual/personal liturgy (a life-changer when I first read it a decade ago) called "To Dance With God" by Gertrud Mueller Nelson. I highly recommend it!

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

Aw! Magnificent! Thank you for the recommendation! <3 Love!

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Wow! AMEN & AMEN!!

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022Liked by S.E. Reid

This is all so lovely!

I love to sing the songs that are created in my mind. Melodies and lyrics play in my head and I know it to be God’s pleasure when I use the breath He gives me to sing them. They are almost always in praise to Him, but sometimes they are words to help my son with transitions or to understand what’s going on around him.

I also feel God’s pleasure when I slow down to hold space for the pace of life to be different than expected.

I set out to read The Chronicles of Narnia to my son this year. Currently, we’re rereading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader per his request as The Silver Chair got too slow for his liking. I wanted to hold to my plan, but also I like that he is interested in a chapter book at three years old, so I said yes, thinking that, well, we can come back to the plan/that book when he’s older, but also feeling a bit disappointed about not finishing it. Then a thought floated across mind— I can pick up Silver Chair when I do get a moment to myself. This is a big thing for me… I prayed just in May— God, I need adventure! We’ve only one vehicle, my husband works 13-hour days, it gets tense living with my parents.. I’ve felt stuck where we live now, even with all of God’s gracious emotional healing. I miss the opposite coast where we use to live before the initial Lockdown when housing & work were lost. It’s been a good kind of hard to raise my son in a place where my parenting is met with this pushback. Not only has my God heard my cry over the big things, but this seemingly small thing too!

Friends, our souls are refreshed by the rest He gives in His Love for us. Our needs are never too much for the One Who made us.

He takes pleasure in our rising.

He takes pleasure in our being.

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"He takes pleasure in our rising." What an amazing truth--this gave me goosebumps to read!! I'm so glad you're going to seek adventure for yourself, Mal. And Narnia is the perfect place to do so! 🌿

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