Lately, I'm trying to find the balance between consistent Christ-centered behaviors and empty, rote rituals. Growing up nominally Protestant, rituals were warned against (since they can become legalistic "earning" of relationship with God). That said, I'm curious about daily behaviors to bring myself closer to God: 1. the Ignatian "examen" prayer before bed, where I thank God for the best moment and the worst moment of the day and 2. a small olive-wood cross I try to press too hard into my palm while walking. Each little ritual has a through-the-thought, to-the-body element which I find centering and calming for prayer.

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I absolutely love this question. It’s one I need to keep pondering. One thing that does pop in my head is phone conversations with my boss - who happens to be my father. I work for his small firm, and it’s not uncommon for us to end a work conversation on the phone (we both work remotely) with “love you” at the end. I’ve found God has blessed my job in many ways. I’m able to work from home, with some freedom & flexibility and getting to work with family (& a friend) is really special. It’s those little phone rituals I often take for granted but are a blessing indeed and when I stop to process, I am able to see God’s provision and blessing in the fact we can say “I love you” between client work.

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