Feb 8, 2023Liked by S.E. Reid

I looked out the kitchen window the other day and saw a flash mob of birds. There must have been over a dozen plump gold-crowned sparrows (siblings? cousins?) all skittering and feeding in the bark and gravel. There were a few juncos in the throng trying to remain unobtrusive. There was an aloof towhee or two scratching beneath the thujas, and a tiny wren flitting about beneath the feeder, outnumbered, annoyed by all the newcomers. A curious jay watched from a tree branch. Forget the calendar -- the birds know better.

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Today I noticed that purple wandering plant had poked its first leaves out of the ground. I could have told it that winter is not over, but I don’t think it would care! Springtime songs...hmmm ...Oh What a Beautiful Morning... I haven’t hummed that in a few months!

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I’ve noticed more and more mornings the mourning dove on the side of the house where they nest, cooing a lot! It’s not everyday, today it’s very cold and windy, a wintry & quiet (except for the wind) day. But, many days show signs that the birds are starting to prepare for baby season!

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Not really spring signs other than snow turning to ice

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